Bowls and Feeders : Bowls & Feeders to suit every need

    Slow Bowls

    If your dog tends to eat too quickly, our slow food bowls are a great option to encourage them to eat slowly, promoting better digestion and dental health. These bowls are designed to trigger your dog's innate desire to hunt for food, making mealtime more fun and engaging for them.

    Ceramic Bowls

    For those who want a touch of cuteness in their pet's feeding routine, we offer ceramic bowls with ornate designs such as floral patterns, cute bunny prints, and exclusive collector designs. These high-quality ceramic bowls are suitable for small animals, dogs, and cats alike.

    We also have automatic feeders that can make your life easier. These intelligent devices can measure food, track your pet's food intake, and alert you if your animal is not eating enough.

    If you're looking for eco-friendly options, we recommend our Westpaw eco-friendly bowls. These products are designed and manufactured in the USA using zero-waste materials, making them an environmentally responsible choice.

    Lastly, our wobbly bowls such as the Toppl can be filled with your dog or cat's favourite food and used as a treat to encourage slow eating. This fun and interactive feeding option can help promote healthy eating habits in your furry friend.


    Dog Toys

    Choose from Durable, Interactive, and Fun Dog Toys in Our Extensive Collection.

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