The Pet Aids Collection at Woofy and Whiskers!

At Woofy and Whiskers, we understand that your pets are more than just animals – they're cherished members of your family. 

That's why we've curated a comprehensive collection of pet aids to support your beloved companions' health, well-being, and happiness.

Health and Wellness

Our health and wellness aids are selected with your pet's best life in mind. From supplements that support joint health to calming aids for those stressful vet visits or thunderous nights, we've got you covered. 

Our products are vet-approved and tailored to meet your pet's unique needs, whether a playful puppy or a graceful senior.

Mobility Aids

Some pets find mobility challenging due to age, injury, or surgery. Our range of mobility aids, including harnesses and ramps, is designed to help your pet move comfortably and safely. 

Each product is crafted to ensure ease of use for you and your pet, providing the support they need to enjoy their daily activities.

Training Tools

Training is essential to pet ownership, and our training aids are here to help. 

From clickers to training pads, we offer tools that facilitate learning and help strengthen the bond between you and your pet. Our training aids are effective, humane, and designed to make training a positive experience for everyone involved.

Safety First

Safety is paramount; our collection includes products that keep your pet secure at home and on the go. Reflective collars, safety gates, and GPS trackers are just a few of the items we offer to give you peace of mind, knowing your pet is safe and sound.

To be thorough in our supplies for our customers, we also stock pet safety gates and playpens, car seats, and accessories, so we should have you covered on the safety side!

At Woofy and Whiskers, we're committed to providing high-quality pet aids that enhance the lives of pets and their owners alike.

We strive for the best pet supplies Canberra can provide, so please follow us and become a member and be kept up-to-date on the latest dog and cat supplies. Browse our selection and find the perfect aid for your furry friend today! 

Dog Toys

Choose from Durable, Interactive, and Fun Dog Toys in Our Extensive Collection.

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