Our Thunder Shirts Collection at Woofy and Whiskers!

Discover the calming embrace of our Thunder Shirts collection at Woofy and Whiskers, designed to provide comfort and security to your pets during stressful situations.

The Science of Calm

Our Thunder Shirts utilise gentle, constant pressure to help alleviate anxiety, fear, and overexcitement. Inspired by the practice of swaddling, this method is a natural, drug-free solution for calming pets.

A Fit for Every Pet

We offer Thunder Shirts in various sizes to ensure a snug and comfortable fit for every breed. You can customise the pressure with adjustable straps to meet your pet's specific needs.

Quality Materials

Crafted from durable, breathable fabric, our Thunder Shirts are built to last. They're easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that your pet can find comfort in them time and time again.

Versatile Use

Thunder Shirts are ideal for a variety of stressful events, from thunderstorms and fireworks to travel or vet visits. They're an essential tool for any pet owner looking to ease their pet's anxiety.

Why Choose Woofy and Whiskers?

At Woofy and Whiskers, we're committed to your pets' well-being. For dog clothes and accessories, we search for the latest products and keep our ears to the ground of hats that are best for our pets.

Our Thunder Shirts collection is a testament to our dedication to providing products that enhance the lives of pets and their owners.

Dog Toys

Choose from Durable, Interactive, and Fun Dog Toys in Our Extensive Collection.

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