Bounce Into Spring at Woofy and Whiskers!

Celebrate the joy of Easter with your furry friends and our festive collection at Woofy and Whiskers. Our Easter-themed products are perfect for adding a touch of springtime fun to your pet's life.

Easter-Themed Toys

Delight your pet with our range of Easter-themed toys. From plush bunnies to squeaky eggs, our toys are sure to provide hours of fun and bring the festive spirit into your home.

Spring Apparel

Dress your pet in the colours of spring with our Easter apparel. Adorable bunny ears, pastel bandanas, and floral collars will make your pet the most stylish at any Easter parade.

Treats and Goodies

Our Easter treats are a delicious way to include your pet in the holiday festivities. Made with pet-safe ingredients, these goodies are both tasty and healthy, perfect for an Easter basket surprise.

Why Choose Our Easter Collection?

At Woofy and Whiskers, we believe that every holiday is an opportunity to show love to our pets. Our Easter collection is designed with care to ensure that your pet enjoys the holiday as much as you do.

We strive for the best pet supplies Canberra can provide, so please follow us and become a member and be kept up-to-date on the latest dog and cat supplies. 

Dog Toys

Choose from Durable, Interactive, and Fun Dog Toys in Our Extensive Collection.

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